Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development
INMRI logos

Measurement Assemblies

The measurement asseblies that require a calibration relative to the primary standards developed at the Institute

The key types of measurment instruments for which the Institute has established calibration procedures based on ISO reference radiation (ISO 4037-1, ISO 6980 andISO 8529)  include:

a) Dosimetry systems for radiation therapy (high-doses dosimetry section)

  • Dosimetry for electron, photon, proton and heavy ions beams that are produced by clinical accelerators
  • Dosimetry for electron beams in accelerators at high dose per pulse, for Intra Operative Radiation Therapy (IORT)

b) Dosimetry systems for radiation protection (low-doses dosimetry section)

  • Active and passive dosimeters for measurements of personnel dose equivalent, ambient and directional dose equivalent (Ionization chambers, gas counters, film detectors, liquid scintillators, semiconductors and TL)

c) Dosimetry systems for radiation processing (sterilization with radiation of biomedical products, radiation-processing dosimetry section )

  • Chemical dosimeters (Fricke solution, silver and potassium dichromate)
  • Plastic dosimeters and radiochronic films

d) radon measurement systems (radon section)

  • Measurement systems (active and passive) for radon in air (scintillation and electrostatic cells, ionization chambers, track detectors, active carbons, electrets)
  • Measurement instruments for radon in water (liquid scintillation, semiconductor-based detectors)

e) Measurement system for radioactive contamination (gas and scintillation detectors, radionuclide section)

  • Monitors for direct and indirect measurements (smear test)
  • Hand and feet monitors for direct measurements

f) Spectrometric systems (with gas, scintillation, and semiconductors detectors, radionuclide section)

  • Gamma spectrometers for radioactivity measurements in liquid, solid, and gaseous environmental samples
  • Alpha spectrometers for analysis of transuranic elements
  • Beta counters for measurements of pure beta emitters in environmental analysis and internal dosimetry
  • Gamma spectrometers for measurements of activity in the human body.

g) Measurement systems for neutrons (neutron section)

  • Active and passive dosimeters for measurements of personnel dose equivalent, ambient, and directional dose
  • Systems of measurement of thermal and fast neutron flux density.

Several calibration services are available at ENEA-INMRI on a pay-per service basis.
